“Snowden” Presented by Fathom Events
September, Fathom events - On Wednesday, September 14, Fathom Events presented “Snowden,” an expertly directed docu-drama by the incomparable Oliver Stone followed by a Live conversation with Edward Snowden (via the internet) and Oliver Stone and the two main actors:...
Celebration of “Labyrinth 30th Anniversary”
September, Fathom events - Picture Home Entertainment and Fathom Events bring “Labyrinth 30th Anniversary” to the big screen on September 11 at hundreds of theaters throughout the country to celebrate Jim Henson’s imaginative adventure. “Labyrinth,” a children’s...
What Dr Bennet Omalu and Will Smith have in common?
Biotechnology, September 2016 - The opening keynote for Biotechnology conference in San Francisco this past June was a brilliant pairing of two speakers – Forensic pathologist Dr Bennet Omalu and famous actor Will Smith. What brought them together? The answer is –...
IDF Intel 7th Generation Core Processors
IDF, September 2016 - At the Intel Developer Forum, while a lot of the discussion was on IoT and smart connections, Intel continued their technology advancement and development of multi-core processors for the consumer computer market. The company held a briefing to...
Workstations are the tool of choice at SIGGRAPH
Siggraph, July 2016 – The annual SIGGRAPH event is the meeting place for the academics, innovators, industry and professional media producers to meet and share their experiences. The commonality is the blending of the technology and engineering with the artistic...
Consumerization of Flash Memory (2)
Flash Memory Summit, August 2016 - The process of consumerization of flash memory started around 2004. This year NAND prices drop below DRAM prices for the first time at the same density. Panasonic and Sanyo launched the first flash-based camcorders. SanDisk...
A Short History of Flash Memory (1)
Flash Memory Summit, August 2016 - Flash memory is the enabling technology for most of the mobile devices today. It allows for very high capacities of storage for things like music, voice, photos and videos to be stored for long periods of time, without needing power...
25th anniversary of “Thelma & Louise”
Fathom events, August 2016 - On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, Fathom events offered a one-night only screening of the classic American film, “Thelma & Louise,” featuring Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon respectively in the title roles. This showing was in celebration...
Vicon Advances MoCap at SIGGRAPH 2016
Siggraph, July 2016 – In an interview with Jeffrey Ovadya, Director of Sales and Marketing for Vicon Motion Systems, we got a chance to hear about their latest mocap camera and also Project Katana which was being demonstrated on the conference expo floor at SIGGRAPH...
Production details of Captain America: Civil War reveal at Siggraph
Siggraph, July 2016 - Due to the complexities of scheduling a large cast of actors and crew it is difficult to move the production to locations around the world. Due to tax rebates and incentives many movies are often shot in just a few locations. What is the solution...