
Consumerization of Flash Memory (2)
Flash Memory Summit, August 2016 - The process of consumerization of flash memory started around 2004. This year NAND prices drop below DRAM prices for the first time at the same density. Panasonic and Sanyo launched the first flash-based camcorders. SanDisk inaugurated Flash Sansa MP3 players. In 2005 NAND revenue exceeded $10 billion when Apple introduced its first iProducts. Below is the timeline of consumerization of flash memory. 2005 - Apple introduced its first two flash-based iPods, the iPod shuffle and the iPod nano....

A Short History of Flash Memory (1)
Flash Memory Summit, August 2016 - Flash memory is the enabling technology for most of the mobile devices today. It allows for very high capacities of storage for things like music, voice, photos and videos to be stored for long periods of time, without needing power to store the information when it is not being used. Eli Harari, who holds over 100 patents and has widespread recognition (including IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Data Storage device Technology Award in 2006 and IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal in 2009), described flash memory as...

Vicon Advances MoCap at SIGGRAPH 2016
Siggraph, July 2016 – In an interview with Jeffrey Ovadya, Director of Sales and Marketing for Vicon Motion Systems, we got a chance to hear about their latest mocap camera and also Project Katana which was being demonstrated on the conference expo floor at SIGGRAPH 2016. Motion Capture, or MoCap has moved to the mainstream for VFX production in movies, TV, advertising and most content creation. It has even expanded to support automated PTZ camera movement for live TV production using virtual studios. The primary product from the...

Pepcom presents mobile focus
Pepcom event, June 2016 – There is nothing not to like about Pepcom’s press only events. They are always well organized and have so many innovative products to see. The event happened on the evening of Thursday, May 19th, at the Metreon in San Francisco and focused on mobile products. 21 companies showcased their automotive, mobile and lifestyle innovations at the venue. Here are take some of the products that I was most excited about: Moshi, a designer of fashion bags, presented the Helios Lite and Helios backpacks that can carry...

Polaroid’s web camera Cube Plus
If there is company that perfectly finds the balance between technology and art, it is Polaroid. A few years ago, Polaroid introduced a life style web camera Cube that competed with GoPro. But unlike the competition, Polaroid gave their product a modern design enhanced with pastel, rainbow colors that have this optimistic and vibrant energy matching the life style of young generation. The people who want to take pictures and videos then immediately share them with friends. The Cube Plus that was released recently is an updated,...